Juncker’s speech has significant implications for the Trump administration, U.S business and the transatlantic relationship. President Trump — having cheered the Brexit result; supported pro-nationalist, anti-EU movements; and expressed skepticism about NATO — is one of the most unsupportive U.S. presidents European leaders have ever faced. In addition, as Junker’s speech conveys, Europe and America have divergent visions for managing global affairs. In particular, he made clear that Europe will continue its leadership on climate change in contrast to the “abandoned ambition” of the U.S. He also referenced his support for overhauling Europe’s tax regime affecting U.S. tech giants such as Apple and Google. Beyond Juncker’s outline of a roadmap for deeper EU political integration, the speech sent a message to the world that the EU is resilient and prepared to defend its values of expanding democracy and the rule of law and promoting greater international cooperation and openness, not retreating into what one member of the European Parliament called “national egoism.”