11/6 Alasdair Young discussed “China, Chips and Choices: Explaining Variation in the EU’s Geopolitical Policies on Semiconductors” as part of the University of Trier’s Jean Monnet Webinar Series “EU Trade Policy and the Rise of Geopolitics”.
10/21 A special issue of the Journal of European Integration on “Governing the Digital Economy” edited by Alasdair Young including articles by him and Vicki Birchfield was published.
9/24 Art by Ukrainian children organized by Ukrainian Charity Children of Heroes and the British Consulate General was exhibited along with a panel discussion.
9/10 NATO @ 75: An Alliance Reborn? Symposium was held with the Consulates General of Britain, Canada, France, and Germany.
8/16 Phil Breedlove co-authored a letter to President Biden urging him to take all measures necessary to set Ukraine up for victory.
6/19-21 Alasdair Young chaired a section of the European Consortium for Political Research’s Standing Group on the European Union conference in Lisbon.
6/7-8 Alasdair Young participated in the “The Deep Structure of Transatlantic Relations: Diversity and Complementarity” Workshop at the Technical University of Munich.
6/4 Phil Breedlove participated in a panel discussion with other former Supreme Allied Commanders Europe on the past, present and future of NATO hosted by the Hudson Institute.
5/16 Evangelos Savva, Ambassador of Cyprus to the US, spoke about “20 Years of Cyprus and the EU: Perspectives and Prospects”
5/13 The European Union Study Abroad Program began.
4/11 Jennifer Morgan, Germany’s Special Envoy for International Climate Action, discussed the intersection of energy and security policies.
4/2 Robert Bell signed The Alphen Group’s open letter to the Permanent Representatives of NATO proposing a transatlantic compact.
3/27 Phil Breedlove and and Nancy Brinker published “Aid for Ukraine Benefits the U.S. in More Ways than One” in Newsweek.
3/13 Peter Burke TD, Ireland’s Minister of State for European Affairs and Defence, had a conversation with Alasdair Young about “The Room Where It Happens: An Irish View from the EU’s Decision-Making Tables.”
3/11 The fourth annual Nunn School Symposium explored “The Political Vulnerability of Economic Interdependence.”
3/4 Estonia’s ambassador to the US Kristjan Prikk discussed “Exploring Estonia: The Land of Unicorns and Partner for America.”
2/22 Moldova’s ambassador to the US Viorel Ursu discussed “The Importance of Moldova’s Stability for the Region: Its Accession to the EU and the Challenges Ahead.”
2/21 “Marking Two Years of War in Ukraine. What Does the Future Hold in Store?”
2/14-18 Georgia Tech students represented the Netherlands at Model NATO
1/9 The French government bestowed the rank of Officer of the National Order of Merit on Vicki Birchfield.
12/1 CETS hosted a delegation of Estonian members of parliament.
12/1 Alasdair Young participated in the XIIIth Seminario de Relaciones Internacionales organized by Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas and Universitad de Guadalajara in conjunction with the Guadalajara International Book Festival.
11/28 Ben Ansell, Oxford University, gave the BBC Reith Lecture on “The Future of Prosperity” at Georgia Tech.
10/31 Andrew Geddes, European University Institute, discussed “Regular and Irregular Migration as Political Issues in the EU.”
10/26 Belgian Ambassador Régibeau discussed “The evolution from a bipolar world to a unipolar and now multipolar world and the destabilization this entails”
10/24 Andrea Lenschow, Osnabrück University, discussed “Is the EU’s Response to the Climate Crisis in Crisis?”
10/17 Jan Orbie, Ghent University, discussed “Geopolitical Europe in the ‘Developing’ World.”
9/15-16 second “Governing the Digital Economy” Workshop held at Georgia Tech.
9/15 Susan Aaronson (George Washington University) discuss “Can the US and the EU ever Agree — the Lost Opportunity of Shared AI regulation” with commentary by Milton Mueller (School of Public Policy).
8/29 Margaret Kosal spoke at a NATO meeting on emerging technologies and the future of warfare in Sofia, Bulgaria
7/31 Alasdair Young’s chapter “The transatlantic regulatory relationship: limited conflict, less competition and a new approach to cooperation” was published in the The Routledge Handbook of Transatlantic Relations, edited by Elaine Fahey.
7/18 Vicki Birchfield’s article with Vignesh Sreedhar and Varun Roy article “The EU’s potential to lead in ‘ethical and secure’ artificial intelligence: last, best hope?” was published in the Journal of Transatlantic Studies.
7/5 Philip Breedlove joined an open letter in calling for Ukraine to be given a roadmap to NATO membership.
6/19 Margaret Kosal’s article “Emerging Technologies and NATO’s Expansion” was published in Transatlantic Policy Quarterly.
6/4 Alasdair Young participated in a panel “Shaping Transatlantic Cooperation: The Fourth Meeting of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council,” Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies – American Europe Fund.
5/29-31 Philip Breedlove spoke at GLOBSEC in Bratislava.
5/24-25 Philip Breedlove spoke at Defence24 Day in Warsaw.
5/18-19 Philip Breedlove spoke at the Black Sea and Balkans Security Forum in Bucharest.
5/12 European Union Study Abroad program began in Metz.
5/5 Vicki Birchfield and Alasdair Young presented papers at the European Union Studies Association Conference.
5/3 “From Conference Paper to Journal Article” Workshop for early career researchers was held at the University of Pittsburgh.
4/6-7 Anthony Xu presented his paper at the 21st Undergraduate Research Conference on the European Union at Scripps College, Claremont, California.
4/6 CETS RA Amanda Valencia received a Georgia Tech’s Office of Minority Education & Development program Sustained Silver Tower Award.
4/1 Georgia Tech’s Jean Monnet Center of Excellence sponsored the University System of Georgia’s European Studies Certificate Seventh Annual Student Conference at Georgia College.
3/14 British Consul General Rachel Galloway reflected on her four years as the UK’s ambassador to North Macedonia.
3/6 Greek Ambassador to the U.S. Alexandra Papadopoulou discussed “U.S.-Greece Relations Amid Great Power Rivalry.”
3/1 CETS affiliates reflected on a year of war in Ukraine.
2/28 The 3rd annual Nunn School Symposium considered “What the West Should Learn from Russia’s War in Ukraine?”
2/28 Mariel Borowitz discussed “Saving Space: Challenges and Opportunities for International Cooperation on Space Traffic Management” at Georgia Tech Europe.
2/27 Vicki Birchfield published in the H-Diplo Roundtable on Stella Ghervas, Conquering Peace: From the Enlightenment to the European Union.
2/24 Dina Khapaeva published “Putin’s Dogs of War” in Project Syndicate.
2/23 Robert Bell contributed to The Alphen Group’s “Comprehensive Strategy to Secure Ukraine’s Future“.
2/22 An international panel of military officers discussed “New Frontiers in NATO’s Security.”
2/15-19 Georgia Tech students participated in the 38th International Model NATO at Howard University.
2/8 Robert Bell presented “NATO Nuclear Burden-Sharing Post-Crimea: What Constitutes ‘Free-Riding’?” to the University of Oslo, Norway.
2/7 Vicki Birchfield discussed “Reining in Big Tech: Can the EU lead the way in the Digital Era?” with the International Club of Atlanta.
2/2 A panel of European digital counselors discussed “EU Digital Policy Priorities and Their Implications for the US.”
12/7-8 Alasdair Young participated in a workshop on the Protean Power of the EU at the University of Leiden
12/6 A virtual panel discussed the “State of Democracy in Europe”
10/20 A panel discussed “The War in Ukraine’s Impact on the EU“.
10/13 The Nunn School’s Adam Stulberg discussed “Europe’s Energy Crisis: Consequences and Responses“.
10/6 Dermot Hodson, Birkbeck, University of London, discussed “The EU’s Economic Governance in Time of Pandemic and War“.
10/4 Michael Link, Coordinator for the Transatlantic Cooperation for the German Federal Government, discussed “The Transatlantic Partnership and Germany’s Foreign Policy Shift”.
9/22 Kate Pride Brown (History and Sociology) and Evgeny Tikhonravov (Siberian Federal University School of Law) discussed Russia today.
9/21 Maggie Kosal discussed the shelling near the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power plant in Ukraine on CBS News Prime Time.
9/9-10 The first workshop on “Governing the Digital Economy” was held at Georgia Tech Lorraine’s campus in Metz, France.
8/22 Gen. Philip Breedlove co-authored “Giving Ukraine a Fighting Chance: More Support Needed for the Territorial Defense Force,” in The Hill.
8/15 Mariel Borowitz wrote on the importance of private satellite companies in the war in Ukraine in The Conversation.
7/8 Alasdair Young gave a guest lecture for the Jean Monnet Antwerp Summer School on Transatlantic Trade Politics.
7/5 Alasdair Young’s reflections on editing JCMS: the Journal of Common Market Studies and those of the rest of the editorial team were published.
6/27-29 Vicki Birchfield, Robert Bell, and MSIA students Eric Koob and Kameron Lewis attended the German Marshall Fund’s Brussels Forum.
6/22 Mariel Borowitz participated in a panel on “Bridging the Transatlantic Gap on Space Traffic Management” at the 4th Summit for Space Sustainability in London.
6/10 Alasdair Young briefed US Ambassador to the EU Mark Gitenstein on the prospects for transatlantic cooperation on technology regulation.
6/9 Miki Fabry’s study abroad class received a briefing from the Human Rights Unit of Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Dublin.
6/8 Robert Bell and Philip Breedlove explain the process of Finland and Sweden’s accession to NATO.
6/7 Scott Brown’s article “The art of the deal? The EU’s strategic adaptation to Trump’s transatlantic trade policy” was published in the Journal of Transatlantic Studies.
5/31 Philip Breedlove was quoted by the New York Times on the war in Ukraine.
5/19 Alasdair Young presented a paper and moderated the Journal of Common Market Studies lecture at the European Union Studies Association Conference in Miami.
5/18 We organized a workshop for early career EU researchers on publishing journal articles in Miami.
5/17 John McIntyre, Alasdair Young and INTA students Anika Gouhl, Eric Koob and Anges McCarty met diplomats from 20 European embassies.
5/13 EU Study Abroad Program began in Metz, France
5/2 Georgia Tech students’ paper “Helping NATO to Embrace Artificial Intelligence” was published by the Center for European Policy Analysis.
4/26 Philip Breedlove discussed Russia’s struggles in Ukraine at the Council on Foreign Relations.
4/21 Margaret Kosal curated a special virtual issue of Politics and the Life Sciences titled “Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Conflict, Misinformation, and Specter of Biological Weapons.”
4/20 Miki Fabry and Brigitte Stepanov discussed “Atrocities in Ukraine: Legal, Political, and Historical Dimensions.”
4/13 The Second Annual Nunn School Symposium discussed Global Technology Competition.
4/7-8 Varun Roy and Vignesh Sreedhar presented their paper “The EU’s Capacity to Lead the Transatlantic Alliance to Establish ‘Ethical and Secure’ AI: Last, Best Hope?” at the 20th Undergraduate Research Conference on the European Union at Scripps College.
4/7 Robert Bell discussed the war in Ukraine and sanctions on Russia on CNBC.
4/6 Philip Breedlove discussed the war in Ukraine with the New York Times “The Argument”
3/31-4/1 The University System of Georgia EU Studies Program’s sixth annual student conference was held at Georgia College.
3/31 Alasdair Young presented his paper “Wrestling referees? The EU’s place in governing the global digital economy” at the International Studies Association Conference.
3/15 Panel discussion on “Reckoning with the Past III: Reparations” with the Jean Monnet in the USA Network.
3/12 Maggie Kosal was interviewed by BBC News about the possible use of chemical weapons in Ukraine.
3/8 Georg Menz (Old Dominion) discussed his book European Social Democracy in Decline.
3/7 Nunn School faculty discussed “The War in Ukraine”.
3/4 Maggie Kosal was interviewed by CBS News on Russia troops seizure of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.
3/2 Senator Nunn and Robert Bell discussed the conflict in Ukraine.
3/2 Alasdair Young and Helen Wallace presented the 8th edition of Policy-Making in the European Union to the European Parliamentary Research Service.
2/10 John McIntyre and Diane Alleva Cáceres discussed the “The Financial and Economic Ramifications of the Ukraine-Russia Conflict.”
2/10 Alasdair Young’s chapter “Product Regulations: You Can Drive My Car, Otherwise Let it Be” published in Johan Adriaensen and Evgeny Postnikov (eds), The Geo-Economic Turn in Trade Policy? EU Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific, Palgrave Macmillan.
2/4 Margaret Kosal presented “A New NATO Strategic Concept: Emerging and Disruptive Technologies,” at the West Point Strategic Concept Seminar.
2/1 We hosted a panel discussion on “Recent Tumult in Eastern Europe and Eurasia: Aggressive Politics or Prelude to Conflict?”
1/31 Gen. Philip Breedlove participated in a high-level delegation to Ukraine led by the Atlantic Council.
1/27 Alasdair Young spoke on “Is the European Union Disunited by Diversity?” to the Atlanta Council on International Relations.
1/21 Gen. Philip Breedlove discussed “Will Russia invade Ukraine (again)?” with the World Affairs Council.
12/14 A delegation of Nunn School Students attended UK Minister of State for Trade Policy Mordaunt’s speech at the Carter Center as guests of the British Consulate General Atlanta.
12/7 A virtual panel discussed COP26 and the European Green Deal through the Jean Monnet in the USA Network.
11/30 Georgia Tech hosted a visit by the Global Exchange on Religion in Society Network.
11/9 Robert Bell’s “NATO Nuclear-Sharing: Options for the New German Coalition” was published by VUB Brussels School of Governance as CSDS Policy Brief 20/2021.
11/8 Robert Bell, Claudia Major and Bruno Tertrais discussed “U.S. Alliance Leadership After Afghanistan and AUKUS: Troubled Waters or Summer Squalls“. Moderated by Michèle Flournoy.
11/3 Claire Greenstein discussed “Germany’s Role in Europe after the Elections”
11/1 Alasdair Young presented “Supplying Compliance with Trade Rules: Explaining the EU’s Responses to Adverse WTO Rulings,” to the Edinburgh University International Relations Group.
10/28 Alasdari Young’s book Supplying Compliance with Trade Rules: Explaining the EU’s Responses to Adverse WTO Rulings published by Oxford University Press.
10/26 Ulrich Sedelmeier discsussed “Threats to Democracy and the Rule of Law in the EU“.
10/22 Iceland’s Ambassador to the US Bergdís Ellertsdóttir visited the Nunn School.
10/19 Gen. Philip Breedlove discussed “European and Transatlantic Security”
10/18 Robert Bell discussed “NATO Nuclear Burden-Sharing Post-Crimea: What Constitutes ‘Free-Riding’?”
10/18 Gen. Philip Breedlove briefed faculty on his recent participation at the European American Conference (Danube Dialog) and the Warsaw Security Forum.
10/15 Alasdair Young gave the keynote address to the RECONNECT and GLOBE Workshop “EU Trade Policy: Democratic, Transparent, Sustainable and Geopolitical?” KU Leuven, Belgium.
10/7 Gary Younge discussed “How Europe (Mis)Understands Black America” through the Jean Monnet in the USA Network.
9/30 European Commission Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis discussed Trade, Technology and the Transatlantic Relationship through Jean Monnet in the USA Network.
9/21 “Black, Red, Green: What to Expect in the German Federal Election” a virtual panel discussion was held through the Jean Monnet in the USA Network.
8/12 Nunn School student contribute to an article in NATO Review on countering disinformation.
7/12 Nunn School students propose how to combat missinformation as part of a NATO Innovation Challenge
6/21 Gen. Philip Breedlove’s opinion piece with Iulia Joja “Georgia on My Mind” published in Newsweek.
6/10 a virtual panel took stock of the transatlantic relationship ahead of the key summits in mid-June.
6/8 Gen. Philip Breedlove discussed “NATO’s Role in Great Power Politics” for the Foreign Policy Research Institute.
5/28 Vicki Birchfield and Alasdair Young presented their research at the Europrean Union in International Affairs Conference, Brussels.
5/18 a virtual panel on “Brexit and the (Dis)United Kingdom?” was held with scholars based in Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales with commentary by the British Consul General in Atlanta.
4/19 Philip Breedlove’s interview with POLITICO’s Brussels Playbook on Ukraine published.
4/16 Vicki Birchfield and Philip Breedlove spoke as part of the Sam Nunn Bank of America Policy Fourm “Great Power Challenges to the Transatlantic Alliance: Reinventing Leadership for a Stable Future“.
3/29 Philip Breedlove participated in the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA) and the Center on US Politics and Power’s (CUSPP) webinar on “Transatlantic defense and security challenges.”
3/2 Frans Timmermans, European Commission Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal, discussed “Europe’s Green Recovery.”
2/19 Alasdair Young discussed Brexit as part of the Dunwoody Great Decisions Lecture Series.
1/28 Alasdair Young moderated a discussion on Reinventing Leadership in the Transatlantic Relationship with Ambassador James F. Collins and Federica Mogherini. Co-sponsored with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace as part of the Sam Nunn Bank of America Policy Fourm.
1/26 Alasdair Young presented “EU Autonomy Amid Great Power Rivalry?” at Emory University’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.
1/20 Jordan Becker and Robert Bell’s article “Defense planning in the fog of peace: the transatlantic currency conversion conundrum” was published in European Security.
1/12 Vicki Birchfield began participating in the Center for European Policy Studies’ Task Force on the New Industrial Strategy for Europe. She is on the European Green Deal and Digital Economy and Data Working Groups.
12/15 Phil Breedlove and Michael O’Hanlon wrote “The Black Sea: How America Can Avoid a Great-Power Conflict.” for The National Interest blog.
12/9 Robert Bell and Philip Breedlove signed Recommendations of the Participants of the Expert Dialogue on NATO-Russia
11/27 The 8th edition of Policy-Making in the European Union, edited by Alasdair Young. Mark Pollack (Temple), Christilla Roederer-Rynning (Southern Denmark) and Helen Wallace (Sussex) was published by Oxford University Press.
11/12 Virtual Briefing on Transatlantic Relations after the Election.
11/3 Scott Brown presented “Caught in the Middle? The EU and US-China Great Power Competition” in the European Union Studies Program Faculty Development Webinar Series.
10/28 Gen. Philip Breedlove (USAF-Ret.) discussed “Transatlantic Security Challenges”
10/27 Vicki Birchfield presented “Covid-19 and Related Crises: Risks and Opportunities for the European Project” in the European Union Studies Program Faculty Development Webinar Series.
10/20 Alasdair Young presented “What Brexit Reveals about European Integration” in the European Union Studies Program Faculty Development Webinar Series.
10/16 Scott Brown’s working paper “The EU’s Strategic Adaptation to Trump’s Transatlantic Trade Policy” (Working Paper GTJMCE-2020-2) was published.
10/12, 13 & 14 A series of virtual panels on the End of World War II and the Start of the Cold War was held
9/10 Alasdair Young gave a presentation on Brexit to the Savannah World Affairs Council.
8/18 Philip Breedlove participated in a conversation on “Making Sense of New US Basing Decisions in Europe.”
8/14 Geogria Tech awarded third Jean Monnet Center of Excellence.
8/10 Alasdair Young’s working paper “You Can Drive My Car, Otherwise Let it Be: Addressing Product Regulations in the EU’s Asia-Pacific Trade Agreements” (Working Paper GTJMCE-2020-1) was published.
7/22 Claire Greenstein’s article “Patterned Payments: Explaining Victim Group Variation in West German Reparations Policy” was published in The International Journal of Transnational Justice.
7/7 Alasdair Young participated in a virtual roundtable on EU trade policy and the Covid crisis.
3/18 Gen Breedlove was interviewed for CBS News’ “Intelligence Matters” podcast.
3/3 David Coury spoke on “The Return of the Ethnostate? The Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the Populist Tide”
2/18 Faculty and students participated in “Conversations on Europe: Monuments and Contested Memory in Europe”
2/13 Senator Nunn and General Breedlove signed Euro-Atlantic Security Leadership Group’ Statement on Ukraine
1/31 Eliza Markley discussed making security cooperation more effective through building trusted professional networks in the Cipher Brief.
1/30 Alasdair Young participated in a book workshop and in a panel discussion on “EU-Asia Relations in Turbulent Times” at the University of Melbourne.
1/25 Claire Greenstein was appointed as an assistant professor at the University of Alabama Birmingham.
12/17 Claire Greenstein discusses progress and challenges in German Reunification for Germany, the US, and the trans-Atlantic relationship 30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall in the Cipher Brief.
12/13 Alasdair Young moderated the Atlanta Council on International Relations panel on Brexit with the British, Irish and German Consuls General.
12/4 Philip Breedlove discusses NATO in the Cipher Brief.
11/26 Philip Breedlove participated in a high-level debate at the Berlin Security Conference 2019
11/17 Vicki Birchfield translated for the Mayor of Metz at a ceremony to mark the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the city by American GIs, some of whom were in attendance.
11/6 Alasdair Young and Irish Consul General Shane Stephens discussed “Breaking up is (still) hard to do: Brexit’s state of play and consequences”
11/4 Claire Greenstein organized the 30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall symposium
10/25 Claire Greenstein presented her paper “Identity and Implementation: The Effect of Victim Ethnicity on Reparations Policy” at the Georgia Area Human Rights Network Fall 2019 Workshop.
10/24 Alasdair Young’s article “Two Wrongs Make a Right? The Politicization of Trade Policy and European Trade Strategy” was published in the Journal of European Public Policy.
10/10 Claire Greenstein participated in Georgia Tech’s Germany Day panel on “German Studies in a Globalized World”
10/10 Alasdair Young organized and participated in a panel discussion on “Trade Wars and Trade Talks: A 360° Perspective on US Policy”
9/27 The Global Climate Action Symposium was held at Georgia Tech as part of European Climate Diplomacy Week.
9/20 Robert Bell discussed “European Security after the INF”
5/20 Alasdair Young’s working paper “Two Wrongs Make a Right? The Politicization of Trade Policy and EU Trade Strategy” published.
5/13 EU Study Abroad Program got under way at Georgia Tech Lorraine in Metz, France. You can follow along on the blog.
5/9-11 Vicki Birchfield, Alasdair Young and former CETS postdoc Scott Brown participated in the 16th Biennial European Union Studies Association Conference in Denver.
5/8 CETS organized an workshop for early-career researchers on getting published in Denver.
5/3 Alasdair Young participated in a panel on geopolitical challenges at the 3rd Annual World Trade Day, Atlanta.
4/16 Anna Westerstahl Stenport discussed “A Changing Arctic: European Union Imaginaries of the North and Contemporary Indigenous Cinema.”
4/15 “Operation OVERLORD: Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day Invasion”
4/12 CETS co-sponsored The Nine University and College International Studies Consortium of Georgia’s Workshop on the European Union
4/8-9 Alasdair Young participated in a book workshop on the EU’s relations with the Asia-Pacific at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
4/6 Vicki Birchfield was an invited panelist at the European Student Conference 2019 at Yale University.
4/4 A distinguished panel marked the 70th Anniversary of NATO with a discussion of its past and future
3/25 Jean-Luc Bald, First Secretary for Space at the EU Delegation to the US, discussed European integration.
3/6 Vicki Brichfield was interviewed about American politics in the Trump era on Belgian radio (in French).
3/7 Gen. Breedlove briefed faculty and staff on his recent trip to Croatia, Georgia and Ukraine with U.S. European Command Region Field Study.
3/1 Estonia’s Ambassador to the US Jonatan Vseviov gave an engaging presentation about “Estonia’s Security Triangle: the European Union, the United States and Russia.”
2/21 Claire Greenstein and Elizabeth Osman’s article “Remembering Antisemitism When Public Memory is Fleeting,” published in New America Weekly.
2/20 Vicki Birchfield spoke at the Royal Academy of Belgium as part of a series on President Trump and the World.
2/7 Gen. Breedlove and Amb. Vershbow’s report for the Atlantic Council Permanent Deterrence: Enhancements to the US Military Presence in North Central Europe published.
2/6 British Consul General Andrew Staunton discussed Brexit and its implications for UK-US relations.
12/5 Georgia Tech students attended Global Atlanta’s “conversation” with Irish Consul General Shane Stephens.
11/16 Alasdair Young’s article “Where’s the demand? Explaining the EU’s surprisingly constructive response to adverse WTO rulings,” published on-line by the Journal of European Integration.
11/14 General Breedlove met with the Polish President, National Security Advisory and Minister of Foreign Affairs.
11/8-11 “1918 End of the Great War, Emergence of the US Role in the World, France and the Grand Est Region” an event commemorating the Centenary of the Great War and the Armistice took place at Georgia Tech Lorraine.
11/8 Claire Greenstein’s article exploring “How Far Has Germany Actually Moved to the Right?” published in New America Weekly.
11/7 Robert Bell discussed “The Future of Nuclear Arms Control in the Age of Trump” at Georgia Tech Lorraine.
11/6 General Breedlove discussed “The New Geostrategic Challenges Facing Our Western Alliance.”
11/5 General Breedlove discussed “21st Century Warfare” at the Atlanta Council on International Relations.
11/1 Vicki Birchfield was made a visiting scholar at the University of Luxembourg’s Institute of Political Science.
10/30 Claire Greenstein presented her paper “Pressures and Payments: Explaining West Germany’s Domestic Holocaust Reparations Program” at Georgia State.
10/29 Vicki Birchfield gave an invited lecture on “Regionalism and Economic Integration in the 21st Century: Lessons from the European Union” at the University of Luxembourg.
10/29 Claire Greenstein’s article with Brandon Tensley “Is Germany’s Future Brown or Green?” published in Slate.
10/17 Terri Givens spoke on “Immigration, Race and Populism: Politics and Policy from Colonialism to Brexit.”
10/14 Claire Greenstein gave a talk on “Political Cover or Moral Imperative: Reparations in West Germany” to the North Carolina German Studies Seminar and Workshop Series.
10/6 an interview with Gen Philip Breedlove was published in Die Welt
10/5 Robert Bell’s working paper on “The Challenges of NATO Nuclear Policy” was published by the Finnish Institute of International Affairs.
9/19 Alasdair Young gave a talk on transatlantic trade relations at Princeton University.
9/12 Georgia Tech students attended European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s State of the [European] Union address to the European Parliament
8/1 Claire Greenstein replaced Scott Brown as the CETS Post-doc
7/19 Robert Bell spoke on a panel about the future of US-Russian strategic arms control at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
7/12 Gen. Breedlove interviewed on CNN’s “New Day” about NATO defense spending
7/11 Robert Bell addressed the European Parliament’s hearing on nuclear deterrence
7/9 CETS faculty preview NATO, Trump-Putin Summits
7/9 EU Study Abroad Students weigh in on the President’s upcoming meetings with NATO and Putin
7/9 Alasdair Young’s paper selected as one of the three best at the EU in International Affairs conference.
7/7 Interview with Gen. Breedlove published in DW
7/1 Robert Bell joined CETS as a Distinguished Professor of the Practice
6/7 CETS published the A Changing Europe in an Uncertain World conference report
5/18 Philip Breedlove spoke about “New Days, New Threats: Adapting Nato’s Strategy” at GLOBSEC in Bratislava.
5/18 Alasdair Young presented to the EU in International Affairs Conference in Brussels.
5/14 Special issue of the Cambridge Review of International Affairs on “The Politics of Deep Integration” published on line.
5/13 Georgia Tech’s EU Study Abroad Program began in Metz, France.
5/7 CETS Postdoc Scott Brown appointed as a lecturer (assistant professor) at the University of Dundee.
5/3 Alasdair Young spoke at the “Taking Europe Beyond the Ivory Tower” Symposium in Washington, DC.
4/25 Scott Brown’s interview with General Breedlove was published in CABLE.
4/13-14 A major conference on “A Changing EU in an Uncertain World” was held at Georgia Tech.
4/4-7 Scott Brown, Katja Weber and Alasdair Young presented their research at the International Studies Association conference in San Francisco.
4/2 Quirin Blendl discussed “Cyber Security Challenges Need a Global Approach” in an event co-sponsored with American Council on Germany Atlanta Eric M. Warburg Chapter and Georgia Tech’s CIBER.
3/29-31 Three Georgia Tech students and Vicki Birchfield participated in the European Horizons’ European Student Conference at Yale.
3/21 Gen. Philip Breedlove testified before the House Armed Services Committee.
3/12 Gen. Philip Breedlove spoke to the Henry Jackson Society at the UK Parliament on the West’s relations with Russia.
3/9 Alasdair Young presented his paper on EU trade strategy at the University of Ottawa
3/7 Scott Brown presented his new research project on the EU’s strategic partnerships with the US and China.
3/5 Gen. Philip Breedlove’s issue brief for the Atlantic Council on Northern European air defense published.
2/20 Antje Ravic Strubel gave a reading of Into the Woods of the Human Heart.
2/12 German Deputy Chief of Mission and former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Boris Ruge provided “A European Perspective on the Middle East.”
1/31 “The Future of Transatlantic Relations: A Debate” took place at the Academy of Medicine. See press coverage and video.
1/30 Scott Brown’s article “Free Trade, Yes; Ideology, Not So Much: The UK’s Shifting China Policy 2010-16,” was published in the Journal of the British Association for Chinese Studies, Vol. 8 (1).
1/22 CETS hosted a visit by Senator Anna Maria Anders, Secretary of State and Plenipotentiary of the Prime Minister for International Dialogue for Poland.
12/7 The Washington Post’s Monkey Cage published Alasdair Young’s comment on the UK’s need to choose between close trade ties with the US or EU.
12/6 CETS hosted Juliane Schaeuble, head of the Political Department at Der Tagesspiegel.
12/1 Georgia Tech faculty met with Richard Price, Chief Economist of the UK’s Department for International Trade.
11/30 Alasdair Young’s book The New Politics of Trade: Lessons from TTIP published by Agenda Publishing.
11/29 Alasdair Young’s article “European Trade Policy in Interesting Times,” published in the Journal of European Integration, 39/7, 909-23.
11/29 Prof. Dr. Jürgen P. Kropp, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, and Dr. Jairo H. Garcia, Director Climate Policies and Renewables for the City of Atlanta, discussed “An Efficient, Intensive or Productive World? What to Do to Tackle the Climate Threat.”
11/28 Alasdair Young presented at the European Commission’s Biennial Jean Monnet Conference: “A Turning Point for Europe” in Brussels, Belgium.
11/28 Nunn School faculty and students met with Samantha Job, the Foreign and Security Policy Counsellor at the British Embassy.
11/27 Scott Brown’s book Power, Perception and Policymaking: US and EU Responses to the Rise of China, published by Routledge.
11/20-22 Nunn School students and faculty participated in the Youth Summit on the Transatlantic Digital Economy at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium.
11/14 Richard Stock, Director General of the Robert Schuman European Center spoke on “Vivre ensemble en Europe: hier, aujourd’hui, demain” at Georgia Tech Lorraine.
11/7 Georgia Tech faculty and students attended the luncheon for Irish Ambassador to the US Daniel Mulhall at the World Affairs Council of Atlanta.
11/3 Dr. Alasdair Young participated in a workshop on “What is the Future of International Trade?” at the University of Denver.
10/30 Prof. Dr. Brigit Glorius, Chemnitz University of Technology, discussed “Migration, Mobility, Asylum in Europe: Major Challenges for the European Integration Process?” With the American Council on Germany Atlanta Eric M. Warburg Chapter and the School of Modern Languages
10/26 Dr. Scott Brown and Dr. Alasdair Young discussed the return of great power rivalry in Europe with GT’s European Horizons chapter.
10/25 Dr. Samuel Charap (RAND Corporation) discussed his book Everyone Loses: The Ukraine Crisis and the Ruinous Contest for Post-Soviet Eurasia.
10/20 Gen. Philip Breedlove co-authored “Future War NATO? From Hybrid War to Hyper War via Cyber War” a supporting paper for the GLOBSEC NATO Adaptation Initiative.
10/16 Gen. Philip Breedlove, former Supreme Allied Commander Europe spoke about “The Return of Great Power Rivalry in Europe?”
10/3 Prof. Dr. Tim Büthe of the Bavarian School of Public Policy at the Technical University of Munich spoke on “The German Election: Implications for Europe.”
9/29 CETS hosted Dr. Vjosa Osmani, member of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo.
9/24 The International Affairs Student Organization held a German election watching party.
9/20 The Rt. Hon. Sir Simon Burns spoke on “You Can Go Your Own Way: The Future of the EU and the UK Post-Brexit.”
9/19 Triangular Diplomacy among the European Union, the United States and the Russian Federation: Responses to Crisis in Ukraine was published by Palgrave Macmillan.
7/26 CETS was awarded a second Jean Monnet Center of Excellence grant.
7/23 The very successful 2017 EU Study Abroad Program concluded.
7/14 Alasdair Young presented a paper and served as a discussant at the Council of European Studies 24th International Conference of Europeanists, University of Glasgow.
7/11 “The New Face of France” with the World Affairs Council of Atlanta.
7/1 Alasdair Young became a co-editor of JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies.
6/22-23 Alasdair Young presented a paper on ‘Trade Policy in a Changing EU and an Uncertain World,’ to the ‘Jean Monnet Fellowship Programme @ 25’ Alumni Conference, European University Institute.
6/9 Alasdair Young and Chad Damro’s chapter “National Aims and Adaptation: Lessons from the Market,” published in A. Hadfield, I. Manners and R. Whitman (eds), Foreign Policies of EU Member States: Continuity and Europeanisation, Routledge.
6/5 Scott Brown and Miguel Otero Iglesias’s chapter “The EU and China: Partners in Global Economic Governance Reform?” published in Jing Men and Annika Linck (eds), China and EU: Reform and Governance, Routledge.
6/1 Ben Tonra, Richard Whitman and Alasdair Young (eds), Foreign Policy of the European Union published by Sage.
5/22 Contributions from the “Surveillance, Privacy, and Data Across Borders: Transatlantic Perspectives” Conference posted on the LAWFARE blog.
5/15 EU Study Abroad Program began @ Georgia Tech Lorraine
5/12 2017 Europe Day Luncheon: “All Eyes on Germany”, the World Affairs Council of Atlanta.
5/4-6 Big CETS presence at the European Union Studies Association conference in Miami.
5/3 Alasdair Young participated in a Virtual Briefing on “Transatlantic Relations after the First 100 Days“.
4/26 Scott Brown’s testimony to the House of Commons enquiry on UK-China relations published.
4/18 The “Surveillance, Privacy, and Data Across Borders: Transatlantic Perspectives” Conference took place at Georgia Tech.
4/4 Alasdair Young and Scott Brown discussed “The Future of Europe” with European Horizons.
3/31 The European Union at an Inflection Point: (Dis)integrating or the New Normal? edited by Alasdair Young was published by Routledge.
3/21 Gen. Philip Breedlove testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee on U.S. Policy and Strategy in Europe.
3/13 Dr. Catherine Dale, Director for the Center for Russia and Eurasia at the RAND Corporation, discussed “Resetting the U.S.-Russian Relationship? Risks and Opportunities.”
3/13 Gen. Philip Breedlove briefed faculty and students on his recent trips to Europe.
3/3 Gen. Philip Breedlove was interviewed on NPR’s Morning Edition
2/28 The French, German and Irish Consuls General gave their countries’ perspectives on Brexit
2/24 His Excellency Mr. Eerik Marmei, Estonia’s Ambassador to the United States discussed “Estonia’s Foreign Policy: In Europe, Between America and Russia”
2/22-25 Vicki Brichfield, Scott Brown, Miki Fabry, Jarrod Hayes and Katja Weber presented their research at the International Studies Association’s 58th Annual Convention in Baltimore
2/21 British Consul General Jeremy Pilmore-Bedford presented the British governments approach to the Brexit negotiations.
2/17 Alasdair Young discussed the demise of TTIP at a workshop at Florida International University.
2/10 European Horizons at Georgia Tech chartered
2/9 Gen. Philip Breedlove testified about US-Russian relations before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
2/6 Special Forum on European integration as a Peace Project published in the British Journal of Politics and International Relations (open access)
2/2 Dr. Dieter Dettke discussed “European Security viewed from a German Perspective”
1/18 Dr. Annegret Groebel of the German Federal Network Agency discussed the insights and lessons learned from Germany’s Energiewende.
1/17 CETS participated in its first virtual Conversation on Europe: Electoral Interference in Europe and the US
12/7-9 Vicki Birchfield was an invited participant at the Open Government Partnership Global Summit hosted by the French government in Paris.
11/28 Student Research Cluster on Terrorism and Counter-terrorism in Europe Panel Discussion.
11/28 Gen. Phillip Breedlove, former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe and the US European Command Commander, “Euro-Atlantic Challenges: A Way Ahead“.
11/18 Oliver Owcza, German Federal Foreign Office, discussed “Transatlantic Challenges – European Perspectives.”
11/17 Scott Brown’s piece on the implications of a Trump Presidency for Europe and transatlantic relations published by the Scottish Global Forum.
11/15 Gen. Phil Breedlove addressed a World Affairs Council of Atlanta Members Forum on “NATO: Evolving Issues from Russia to Refugees”
11/15 Prof. Volodymyr Dubovyk, University of Odessa spoke about “Ukraine between EU, US and Russia: the Quest for Security and Development”
11/3 Henri Landes spoke on Understanding the U.S. Presidential Election and American Politics and Society Today: A French-American Dialogue at Georgia Tech Lorraine
11/3 French Consul General Louis de Corail discussed “Responding to Tragedy: A French Perspective on the Challenge of Terrorism”
11/1 European Research Day @ Georgia Tech
10/12 Georgia Tech hosted “Cartooning for Peace: The Art of Democracy”
10/10 Alasdair Young was the featured discussant at a workshop on EU trade policy at the University of Southern Denmark.
9/29 Scott Brown and Alasdair Young discussed Brexit at the Atlanta Economics Club
9/22 New working papers on the Ukraine crisis published.
9/20 Alasdair Young participated in a panel discussion on “Free Trade or Protectionism?” at the University of Pittsburgh.
9/9 Panel discussion on “Brexit Or: Breaking up is hard to do” at Georgia Tech
8/22 CETS welcomes new affiliates
8/20 Dr. Birchfield is at Georgia Tech Lorraine offering exciting new opportunities
6/13 Gen. Breedlove publishes article in Foreign Affairs on the challenges facing NATO.
5/26 Alasdair Young moderated a panel discussion on “The Potential Implications of a British Exit from the European Union” with British Consul General Jeremy Pilmore-Bedford; German Consul General Detlev Ruenger and Irish Consul General Shane Stephens at the Atlanta Council on Foreign Relations.
5/9 Vicki Birchfield gave the opening remarks and moderated the Europe Day in Atlanta event “Why Is the Centennial of World War I Relevant for Understanding Europe Today?” at the Alliance Française and the Goethe Zentrum Atlanta.
5/9 Why Is the Centennial of World War I Relevant for Understanding Europe Today? Monique Seefried (World War I Centennial Commission). With the Consulate General of France, Alliance Française and the Goethe Zentrum Atlanta.
4/29-30 Jean Monnet Workshop on “21st Century Trade Politics: TTIP as a Test Case?”.
4/20 Screening of the documentary Dreaming of Denmark and discussion with director Michael Graversen. With the Nunn School; School of Modern Languages; School of Literature, Media and Communication; and Office of the Arts.
4/8 Panel on the Changing Energy Landscape in Europe and Eurasia
Ambassador Elin Suleymanov, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to the U.S.
Bud Coote (Global Energy Center)
Jay Thompson (Chevron)
Adam Stulberg (Nunn School)
Alasdair Young (Nunn School)
With Center for International Strategy, Technology, and Policy
3/21 Vicki Birchfield spoke on La négociation du Partenariat Transatlantique de Commerce et d’Investissement (TTIP): Comment comprendre les oppositions et l’opinion publique des Etats-Unis et de l’Union européenne? et La contestation de l’idéologie du marché: articuler Polanyi et Gramsci, Doctoral workshop organized by University of Paris I, Pantheon Sorbonne.
3/18 Brexit? The UK’s Decision Whether to Leave the European Union
Richard Whitman (University of Kent) and Alasdair Young (Nunn School)
3/1 Alasdair Young and German Consul General Detlev Ruenger spoke on ‘The European Union: Challenges and Future Prospects,’ World Affairs Council of Atlanta Members Forum.
3/1 European industry perspective on environmental sustainability, carbon pricing and industrial competitiveness
Paul Brooks (World Steel Association Environment Committee and Tata Steel)
With the Center for International Business Education and Research and the British Consulate-General Atlanta
2/4-5 Alasdair Young presented a paper on “Intergovernmental Policy Makes Transnational Politics? The Distinctive Politics of the TTIP Negotiations,’ paper to the ‘Transnational Relations and the Transatlantic Relationship’ Workshop, Georgetown University.
1/26 Peter Swire debated Max Schrems at the Brussels Privacy Hub
1/21 The Transatlantic Agenda 2016
Caroline Vicini (Deputy Ambassador of the EU to the U.S.)
With the Atlanta Council on International Relations.
1/21 Panel discussion on the Refugee Crisis in Europe
Caroline Vicini (Deputy Ambassador of the EU to the U.S.)
Thomas Wulfing (Deputy Consul General of Germany)
John Parkerson (Honorary Consul General of Hungary)
With the Atlanta Council on International Relations.
1/20 Panel discussion of the Paris Climate Change Summit
Denis Barbet (Consul General of France)
Marilyn A. Brown (School of Public Policy)
Kim Cobb (School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
Jarrod Hayes (Nunn School)
Erik Johnson (School of Economics)
Emanuele Massetti (School of Public Policy)
With the Consulate General of France in Atlanta and the Center for International Strategy, Technology, and Policy
11/13-14 Jean Monnet Symposium The European Union as Peacemaker and Peacekeeper
Desmond Dinan (George Mason University)
Jolyon Howorth (Yale University)
Piers Ludlow (London School of Economics & Political Science)
Anand Menon (King’s College London)
Kiran Patel (Maastricht University)
Helen Wallace (British Academy)
Lord William Wallace, Baron Wallace of Saltaire (British House of Lords)
With History and Sociology
11/13 European Diplomacy Since the Cold War: How Ambitious, How Inhibited? Lord William Wallace, Baron Wallace of Saltaire (British House of Lords)
With History and Sociology
10/28 French Foreign Policy and Today’s International Crises
Gérard Araud, Ambassador of France to the U.S.
With the Consulate General of France in Atlanta and the Atlanta Council on International Relations
10/14 The Storm over Safe Harbor
Peter Swire (Scheller College of Business)
With the Center for International Business Education and Research
9/10 Media Coverage and Public Debate in Europe: A Reporter’s Perspective
Rickey Bevington (Georgia Public Broadcasting)
With the German Marshall Fund
6/1 Securing supply chains and facilitating trade: the European Union’s approach
Paolo Salieri, Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Wil van Heeswijk, Directorate General for Taxation and Customs Union, European Commission
With the Georgia Tech Research Institute
5/18 Alasdair Young presented ‘The Distinctive Politics of TTIP’ to the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, U.S. Department of State.
4/22 The United States and the European Union: Partners in Challenging Times, His Excellency David O’Sullivan, EU Ambassador to the United States
4/14 Vicki Birchfield spoke on “Unraveling or Re-Stitching? The EU’s responses to multiple crises from Greece to Ukraine” to the International Club of Atlanta.
3/24 Is Reconciliation Between Ukraine and Russia Possible?
Konstantin Sigov (Kiev Mohila Academy)
Elena Glazov-Corrigan (Emory)
Nikolay Kopsov (History and Sociology)
With Emory’s Russian, the East European, and Eurasian Studies Program; the Department of Russian and East Asian Languages and Cultures; and the Institute of Liberal Arts, and the Office of Religious Life
3/17 Alasdair Young spoke on ‘The 21st Century Politics of TTIP,’ University of Dunde (via video link).
2/6 Ukraine: A War of Truth
Timothy Snyder, Housum Professor of History, Yale University
With Dean of Emory College of Arts and Sciences; the Halle Institute for Global Learning; Tam Institute for Jewish Studies; Russian, the East European, and Eurasian Studies Program; the Department of Russian and East Asian Languages and Cultures; and the Institute of Liberal Arts, Emory University
1/21-3 Peter Swire spoke on a plenary panel at the Computers, Privacy, and Data Protection ’15 conference.
11/21 Turkey in a Turbulent World: Regional Power, Transatlantic Partner
Ömer Taşpinar, National War College
Gönül Tol, Middle East Institute
Jarrod Hayes, Nunn School
Lawrence Rubin, Nunn School
With the Office of International Education
10/29 French and European Space Activities and Policies
Phillipe Hazane, Space Attaché and Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales representative
With the Center for International Strategy, Technology and Policy
10/9 International Cooperation on Aviation Safety
Carey Fagan, Executive Director of International Affairs, Federal Aviation Administration
With the Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering
9/29 Parliamentary Hearing of the European Commissioner for Trade
Live streaming of the European Parliament’s hearing on the Commissioner-designate for Trade Cecilia Malmstrom with commentary by Vicki Birchfield and Alasdair Young.
7/2 Vicki Birchfield spoke on “Democracy and Sovereignty in the 21st Century: Lessons from the European Union,” at the Georgia Tech campus in Lorraine (GTL), Metz, France.
6/5 Alasdair Young spoke on ‘Challenges in U.S. Trade Policy,’ North Atlanta Rotary Club.
6/4 Alasdair Young spoke on ‘21st Century U.S. Trade Policy,’ Foreign Policy Association, Great Decisions Discussion Program, Village At Deaton Creek discussion group.
5/13 Alasdair Young spoke on ‘The Promise and Potential Pitfalls of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership,’ International Club of Atlanta
4/10 The Cultural Exception in Trade Politics: A French Perspective
David Kebler, Cultural Attache, Consulate General of France to Atlanta
4/10 Journalism and Public Debates on Immigration in the U.S. and the EU
Vicki Birchfield, Co-director, CETS
Giovanna Dell’Orto, University of Minnesota
4/7 Reflections on the Crimea Crisis
Jeremy Pilmore-Bedford, Consul General of the United Kingdom
With History and Sociology
3/8 Vicki Birchfield and co-editor, Giovanna Dell’Orto presented their book Reporting at the Southern Borders at New York University’s Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute.
3/7 Panel on Ukraine, Russia, and Crimea
Vicki Birchfield, Co-director, CETS
Mikulas Fabry, Nunn School
Nikolay Koposov, History and Sociology
Adam Stulberg, Nunn School
With History and Sociology
3/7 The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: potential benefits for Georgia and the Southeast
EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht
With the World Affairs Council of Atlanta, the EU Delegation in Washington, D.C. and the Greek Consulate of Atlanta
3/6 Alasdair Young spoke on ‘21st Century U.S. Trade Policy,’ Foreign Policy Association, Great Decisions Discussion Program, Dunwoody discussion group.
3/3 Alasdair Young spoke on ‘21st Century U.S. Trade Policy,’ Foreign Policy Association, Great Decisions Discussion Program, Buckhead discussion group.
3/3 A Leap from Communism to 21st Century Democracy via e-Technology
Her Excellency Ambassador Marina Kaljurand of Estonia
With the Honorary Consul for Estonia, Mr.Aadu Allpere
2/20 Alasdair Young spoke on ‘The Promise and Potential Pitfalls of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership,’ Atlanta Council on International Relations.
1/23 Transatlantic Perspectives on Civil-Military Relations
Lieutenant Colonel Thomas K. Harland, German Army
Major Nathan M. Hubbard, US Army
With the Center for International Strategy, Technology and Policy
12/5 Setting International Food Safety Standards: An American Perspective
Mary Frances Lowe, Director, U.S. Codex Office, Food Safety and Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
11/14 Protecting Privacy: European and American Approaches and Challenges
Adam C. Schlosser, Director, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Center for Global Regulatory Cooperation
Peter Swire, Nancy J. and Lawrence P. Huang Professor, Scheller College of Business
With GT Center for International Business Education and Research
11/7 Alasdair Young spoke on ‘The Promise and Potential Pitfalls of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership,’ World Affairs Council of Atlanta.
11/6 Roundtable: Negotiating TTIP: Expanding US-EU Trade and Investment
Alasdair Young, Co-director, CETS
Jeremy Pilmore-Bedford, Consul General of the United Kingdom
James H. Sumner, President, USA Poultry & Egg Export Council
Martina Stellmaszek, President and CEO, German-American Chamber of Commerce of the Southern US
With the World Affairs Council of Atlanta and GT Center for International Business Education and Research
10/25 Alasdair Young participated in a Roundtable on “The transatlantic trade and investment partnership: Impacts on the US Southeast.” France-Atlanta at the Academy of International Business Southeast USA Chapter.
10/10 The Role of Higher Education in Economic Revitalization
With the British Council
9/12 Creating the World’s Most Valuable Free Trade Area? The Promise and Potential Pitfalls of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Alasdair Young, Co-director, CETS
Denis Barbet, Consul General of the French Republic
Jeremy Pilmore-Bedford, Consul General of the United Kingdom,
Christoph Sander, Consul General of the Federal Republic of Germany.
8/22 European Union: Emergency and Crisis Management
Cécile Wendling, Director of Research at the Paris-based think tank Futuribles
With the Georgia Council for International Visitors
6/11 Alasdair Young spoke on ‘Transatlantic perspectives on genetically modified food,’ Controversial Topic Discussion Club, Atlanta.
2/12 Food Safety Regulation in the European Union and the United States: Similarities and Differences
Carlos Alvarez Antolinez (Minister-Counselor for Food Safety, Health, and Consumer Affairs at the European Union Delegation
12/5 US Foreign Policy Challenges: A Regional Project for Europe
Malgorzata Bak (Specialist, Office of Foreign Affairs, Presidential Chancellery- Poland)
Teitur Bjorn (Einarsson, Chairman, Foreign Affairs Committee, Independence Party-Iceland)
Marjana Ivanova-Jevsejeva (Member of Parliament- Latvia)
Samuele Pii (Assistant to the Vice President, Tuscan Regional Assembly- Italy)
Jenny Karin Bjornsdotter Salaj (Political Policy Adviser to the Chairman of the Defense Committee, Swedish Parliament-Sweden)
Dr. Vicki Birchfield (Nunn School)
Dr. Katja Weber (Nunn School)
11/16 The European Union’s Role in Human Rights: Problems and Prospects
Geoffrey Harris (Deputy Head of the European Parliament Liaison Office with the US)
11/7-11/8 “Approaching Maturity: Reunified Berlin 23 Years After the Fall of the Wall and “Becoming Truly Southern: Urban Germans of the Confederate States during the American Civil War”
Dr. Andrea Mehrländer (Executive Director of Berlin’s Checkpoint Charlie Foundation)
9/27 Roundtable: The Eurozone Crisis: Turning the Corner or a Bend in the Road?
Dr. Alasdair Young (Nunn School)
Dr. Vicki Birchfield (Nunn School)
Paul Gleeson (Irish Consul General)
Vassilios Gouloussis (Greek Consul)
David Kibler (French Cultural Attaché)
Christoph Sander (German Consul General)
5/9 Europe Day in Atlanta 2012- Europe: An American Diplomat’s Assessment
Paula J. Dobriansky (Ambassador and Harvard Professor)
4/2 Vicki Birchfield participated in the “Expert Panel on Transatlantic Relations” at the 29th annual Congress-Bundestag Seminar.
3/8-3/9 University of Alabama-Birmingham Scholarly Workshop on “Theories of the EU Policy Process”
2/21 French-American Relations and the Challenges of Global Leadership
Luis Vassy (Press Counselor of the Embassy of France)
2/15-16 Vicki Birchfield gave the Plenary Keynote speaker at the International Conference on “The World between Crisis and Change” organized by the Karl Polanyi Institute and the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM) in Paris, France.
1/22 Vicki Birchfield gave an invited lecture on “From the Elsyee Treaty to ‘Merkozy’: Taking Stock of French-German Relations and the Future of the European Project”on the occasion of the 49th anniversary of the Franco-German Friendship Treaty hosted at the Goethe Institute and Alliance Francaise.
11/5 France-Atlanta 2011 Together Towards Innovation– Paris-Atlanta: The Physical and Cultural Fabric of the ‘Outer City’ and the Inner Suburb
French Consul General Pascal
Pierre Cohen (Atlanta City Councilman)
Dr. Sabir Khan
Dr. Vicki Birchfield (Nunn School)
Dr. Stephanie Boulard (Modern Languages)
10/24 Polish Presidency of the EU – Opportunities for educational exchanges, trade and business development
Georgia Tech President Bud Peterson
Dr. Vicki Birchfield (Nunn School)
Eric Stewart (US-Poland Business Council)
Lawrence Ashe (Honorary Consul for Poland)
10/20 Lecture by Nicolas Dungan (America’s Swiss Founding Father)
Gallatin Talk Co-Sponsored with Swiss Consulate General of Atlanta
10/11 Vicki Birchfield spoke on “German Leadership and the Crisis in the European Union” to the International Issues Forum at the Villa International (Atlanta).
9/12 Lecture, book signing and reception- Fred Kempe (BERLIN 1961)
With History and Society