A Changing Europe in an Uncertain World
Supported by funds from the European Union’s Erasmus+ Programme, the Center of Excellence will focus on the European Union’s role in the world at a time of internal and external transition. The United Kingdom’s decision to leave the EU will have implications both for what the EU tries to achieve beyond its borders and how effective it is in realizing those objectives. At the same time, the new United States Administration has created unprecedented uncertainty about the future of the transatlantic relationship and about the US’s role in the world more generally. These dramatic shocks occur against a backdrop of China’s continued rise and Russia’s assertiveness. The financial support from the European Union through the Jean Monnet Programme will enable CETS to analyze these developments as they unfold.
The Center’s funding will support:
- An international Conference on ‘A Changing EU in an Uncertain World,’ which will be co-organized with the Atlanta Council on International Relations (Spring 2018);
- A speaker series;
- Three faculty-led Research Activities that speak to different aspects of the overarching theme.
- Learning to be Strategic? Operationalizing the EU’s ‘Strategic Partnership’ Concept with the United States of America ̶ Dr. Scott Brown (2017-18)
- Climate Change in the Arctic: EU and North American Media About Melting Ice ̶ Dr. Anna Westerstahl Stenport (2018-19)
- European trade policy in interesting times ̶ Dr. Alasdair Young (2019-20)
- The addition of a European Research Seminar to our suite of existing courses on Europe;
- The creation a multidisciplinary Minor in European Studies;
- Undergraduate student participation in research conferences; and
- A workshop to help PhD students to publish their findings (Spring 2019).
The Conference and Speaker Series will be open to the public. The Center’s findings will be further disseminated through a working paper series, papers to academic conferences, articles, and videos.