Directed by: Vicki Birchfield (Nunn School); John Krige (History and Sociology); Katja Weber (Nunn School)
In 2012 the Norwegian Nobel Prize Committee awarded the European Union the Nobel Peace Prize for what it saw as the EU’s “most important result: the successful struggle for peace and reconciliation and for democracy and human rights. The stabilizing part played by the EU has helped to transform most of Europe from a continent of war to a continent of peace.” In announcing the award the Committee stressed the EU’s role in fostering peace among the original member states, promoting democracy through enlargement and encouraging reconciliation and respect for human rights in the countries on its borders. As we mark a number of momentous anniversaries – the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War; the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome; and the 100thanniversary of the end of the First World War– this is an appropriate time to reflect on European integration’s successes and short-comings as a peace project. Such reflection is particularly appropriate given the new security challenges that Europe faces, most notably Russian aggression in Ukraine and terrorism.
Associated activities and publications 6 Feb. 2017 Special Forum on European integration as a Peace Project published in the British Journal of Politics and International Relations (open access) 2 Feb. 2017 Dr. Dieter Dettke discussed “European Security viewed from a German Perspective” 12 Oct. 2016 Georgia Tech hosted “Cartooning for Peace: The Art of Democracy” 9 May 2016 Monique Seefried, World War I Centennial Commission, spoke on “Why Is the Centennial of World War I Relevant for Understanding Europe Today?” (With the Consulate General of France, Alliance Française and the Goethe Zentrum Atlanta) 13-14 Nov. 2015 Workshop on The EU as a Peacemaker and Peacekeeper at Georgia Tech
Associated activities and publications 6 Feb. 2017 Special Forum on European integration as a Peace Project published in the British Journal of Politics and International Relations (open access) 2 Feb. 2017 Dr. Dieter Dettke discussed “European Security viewed from a German Perspective” 12 Oct. 2016 Georgia Tech hosted “Cartooning for Peace: The Art of Democracy” 9 May 2016 Monique Seefried, World War I Centennial Commission, spoke on “Why Is the Centennial of World War I Relevant for Understanding Europe Today?” (With the Consulate General of France, Alliance Française and the Goethe Zentrum Atlanta) 13-14 Nov. 2015 Workshop on The EU as a Peacemaker and Peacekeeper at Georgia Tech